We divide our books into three categories: secondhand books, antiquarian/rare books and new books.
1. Secondhand books (price range 3.50 to 5 CHF)
Paperbacks (novels, thrillers, nonfiction) cost 3.50 CHF. Hardbacks cost 4.50 CHF and large books (more than 30 centimeters in diameter) cost 5 CHF. The books are sorted into 30 thematic sections such as Swiss literature, fantasy, religion, English literature etc.)
2. Antiquarian/rare books
Within the context of our stores, the term ‘antiquarian’ not only refers to ‘old books’, but encompasses everything from very new to very old, from special to sought-after. In short: all secondhand books that do not land in the 3-to-5 CHF section, find their place in the antiquarian section and their prices are placed on the first white page of each book.
3. New books
Every store has a section containing new books, with white price tags on the covers.
4. DVDs, CDs, games
We offer a wide range of CDs (2 CHF), DVDs (3 CHF), audio books (prices depend on number of CDs) and games (prices depend on nature and condition of the games, usually between 2 and 5 CHF).